What is AA?
For more info, CLICK HERE.
What happens at an AA meeting?
How much will it cost?
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Do I have to say something or speak in front of people?
No. Someone may invite you to share to help you feel welcome, but it’s quite okay if you don’t want to. The meeting will consist of members telling their stories but if anyone isn’t in the mood to talk, it’s fine to decline.
If I attend an AA meeting, does that commit me to anything?
No. If you don’t want to come back, that’s fine. You do not have to reveal anything about yourself, and AA does not keep any records for attendance.
What if I see people I know?
It’s important to remember that they will be there for the same reason you are. Anonymity is important principle of the AA program, so that newcomers can attend a meeting knowing their identity is protected.
How does going to a meeting help me with my drinking problem?
We in AA were once problem drinkers who are living proof that recovery is possible. We know what it is like to be addicted to alcohol, and we have stopped drinking ourselves. In meetings, we share with others how we have done it.
Why do AA members keep going to meetings after they have been sober for a long time?
In AA, we believe that there is no such thing as a cure for alcoholism. We have found from repeated attempts that we are unable to return to normal drinking. We go to meetings regularly to maintain our physical, mental, and spiritual health because we believe this is how we can stay away from alcohol. We also find that we stay sober when we help other alcoholics.
How do I join AA?
You are an AA member if and when you say you are. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking (and some of us were not very wholehearted about that when we first considered AA).
How much does AA cost?
There are no dues or fees for AA membership. Often, an AA group will take up a collection during the meeting to cover expenses, such as rent, coffee, refreshments, literature and pamphlet costs, and other minor expenditures. AA members can contribute however much they wish.
Is AA religious?
No, and it is NOT affiliated with any religious or other organization. Many AA meetings are held at churches but that’s only because they tend to be affordable locations.
There’s a lot of talk about God in AA, right?
Most AA members believe that individual willpower was not enough to solve our drinking problem, and we had to find a power greater than ourselves. However, everyone describes this power as he or she wishes. Some people call it “God”, other people think of it as the AA group itself, and still others don’t believe in anything at all. We have room in AA for people of all shades of belief and nonbelief.
What are closed or open meetings?
Most AA meetings are “open”. That is, anyone can attend. “Closed” meetings are for AA members or people who are new to AA who want to stop drinking.
Who goes to AA meetings?
There are all types of people at AA meetings from doctors, plumbers, teenagers, schoolteachers, judges, housewives, nurses, programmers, college students, priests, ironworkers, coaches, business executives, roofers, athletes, men and women, young and old, priveleged and underpriveleged.
Can I bring a family member or friend to an AA meeting?
Yes, you can bring family members or close friends to any AA meeting that is listed as an “open” AA meeting.
What are the Twelve Steps?
The heart of the AA program of personal recovery is contained in Twelve Steps describing the experience of the earliest members. To read more about the Twelve Steps, CLICK HERE.