
Volunteer Staffing Level

We Need Your Help!

When there aren’t enough volunteers at the Intergroup office, the alcoholic who is still suffering may reach out only to find that help isn’t available… 



Current Staffing Level

We Need Your Help!

When there aren’t enough volunteers at the Intergroup office, the alcoholic who is still suffering may reach out only to find that help isn’t available… 


Imagine if when you needed someone,

no one had picked up that call?


Imagine if when you needed someone,

no one had picked up that call?


Interest and commitment from the volunteers in our community has been low. When there aren’t enough volunteers at the Intergroup office, the alcoholic who is still suffering may reach out only to find that help isn’t available. Without a properly staffed intergroup….

12 Step calls go unanswered or unreturned

The front desk at the office sits empty for unfilled shifts

The suffering alcoholic can’t find meetings and events

Outreach programs are reduced or discontinued altogether

Volunteering is how we reach a hand out to an alcoholic who’s still suffering. Every meeting list that gets printed, every E-Newsletter that gets sent, every front desk chat that happens, and every 12 step call that gets answered can save another alcoholic’s life!

Every Volunteer Counts!

The positions we need to fill come in all shapes and sizes.

Volunteering is how we reach a hand out to an alcoholic who’s still suffering. Every meeting list that gets printed, every E-Newsletter that gets sent, every front desk chat that happens, and every 12 step call that gets answered can save another alcoholic’s life!

Every Volunteer Counts!

The positions we need to fill come in all shapes and sizes.

Here are some of the positions we have available


Here are some of the positions we have available



Night-Watch 12 Step Phone List

Answer the phone when someone calls wanting to talk with another alcoholic. Be the voice at the other end of the line when the suffering alcoholic has that “moment of clarity” and reaches out for help, and carry your AA message. All you need is a phone number and a willingness to share your story with another alcoholic in his or her moment of need.

Requirements: 1 Year Sober



Recovery, Service, Unity


Volunteer Today